Create an Account

This is used in our community and directory.
If your primary email address is through your employer, you can add a personal email here to ensure we can always reach you.
Mailing Address
Employer Location
We collect race and ethnicity data to monitor our progress in connecting with an even broader and more diverse group of students and members, consistent with our strategic plan goal to cultivate an engaged and dynamic professional community.
Code of Conduct(Required)
Mailing List
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Group icon

Create an Account

Have you ever logged in before? If so, DO NOT create an account and instead follow the instructions below.

If you are new to the Court of Master Sommeliers, click CREATE AN ACCOUNT

  1. Select “Login” from the top right of the home page
  2. Select “Forgot password” from the login page
  3. Submit your email address, and you will be sent a reset link
  4. If you do not receive an email, please check your spam folder

 Please reach out if you need help at Thank you!